Hunting season has begun in our area. Trained bowhunters are heading into the woods to help manage the local deer population which is burgeoning out of control due to the absence of natural predators. You may have noticed the lack of plants in the understory or our forests. This is an indication that there are more deer in the area than what the forest can support. Without predators to control their numbers, the deer population grows to exceed the carrying capacity of the forest. Let’s remember the valuable service provided by hunters in protecting the long-term health of our forests.
Many hikers are concerned about using the trails and parks during hunting season, because of a fear of being shot. Keep in mind that most hunters go out at dawn or dusk, when deer are most active. In many cases they have already packed up and gone home before you’ve had your first cup of coffee. If you hike in late morning or afternoon, you are highly unlikely to encounter a hunter. If you dress in bright colors, you will be easily seen. Here are some guidelines to help you decide where and when to hike or bike along the Chester Trails this fall.
  • Township parks including: Tiger Brook/MacGregor, Evans/Highlands Ridge, Tannersbrook/Parker Road have no hunting in September or October.
  • County parks (Kay, Willowwood, Bamboo Brook, Cooper Mill area) have no hunting in September. Hunting starts up in October.
  • However, there is bowhunting allowed at Mount Paul Memorial County Park in September, Monday-Saturday, with no hunting on Sundays.
For a complete list of township lands allowing hunting, along with dates of activity, visit: and also (download form titled Deer Hunting Policy and Procedure Information for dates and details)
Have a safe and enjoyable fall hiking along the Chester Trails!